Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Fallout car show 2021

we finally made it to a real hot rod car show in 2021!
the drive viewing the changing leaves was beautiful

first stop once we arrived (Connecticut) was to shop the swap meet
a great turnout - and we got to see a lot of our friends

we drove the red pickup - Dallas drove his Chevrolet
we saw our old '34 coupe.  I'm so used to seeing it in our garage - it looked strange.  I loved this coupe when it was original -  but it has found a good home

we also saw our old 98d - I miss this car too - so much fun to ride in it!

we followed 98d and its owner PC back to his shop.  We needed to return the scales that we borrowed

we stayed for a while - PC's shop is pretty cool, and it was Dallas' first time seeing it

then we were off to home - 2 hour tour!


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