Friday, August 25, 2023

Maine cruise Day #6

calm Castine

planning the next stop
we went to town  - coffee shop visitors :)
then we took a walk to the Lighthouse

lots of history in town - marked by signs

we stopped at a museum

a wealthy businessman (Wilson) collected artifacts all over the world and made an exhibit for them (he collected the items in the 1930's)  He had shells, pottery, guns, clothing - anything you can think of - from all over the US to Africa and Asia

his family's home

the Castine lighthouse

back to the boat - high tide!

and off we went - seeing the Wilson house from the water
the wooden boats were starting their race - from Castine to Brooklin
Lots of debris floating in the water

our cove for the next 2 days - Tom's Cove

we went ashore to visit the island sanctuary

and took a nice walk

back to the boat!

this rock is only visible at low tide - and when it is visible, it is covered in seals.  Too far away for a good photo.   We enjoyed watching them through the binoculars.  We weren't sure where they went at high tide - but they never visited us.


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