Monday, August 21, 2023

Maine sailing trip Day #2

storm clouds left over from the night before.    Chris up early and securing our tether lines - ready for the overnight sail

checking the engine to make sure it's also ready for the overnight trip
and we're off!  Sailing from Onset, MA to Camden, ME.   At one point we will be over 40 miles away from shore.
Heading to the Cape Cod Canal

we had a lot of waves left over from the overnight storm
another BYC boat sailing 'with' us

Provincetown, MA- we didn't stop

beautiful sunny day - winds were supposed to shift from the north to the south, but it didn't happen until late in the day
sunset - waves started to finally settle.  The wind died, so we had to motor sail as well.

My overnight shift was watch captain from 10 pm to midnight, and at the helm from midnight to 2 am.   We had the auto pilot going, so it wasn't too much work.  The seas were calm overnight - but the wind kept shifting.   The moon was almost full - so we had good visibility all night.   2 other BYC boats were nearby as well - so we had some lights to 'follow'.   It was a great first overnight for me!  Chris has done several now - so it was easy for him.  His shifts were 4-6 am and 6-8 am.

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