Wednesday, September 16, 2015

House Painting!

We've lived here for almost 10 years!  Wow!  Our home is about 13 years old, so the cedar shingles wwere starting to look pretty old.  We had our house painted when we first moved in (it was a very washed out yellow), but we didn't touch the shingles.
Here are some before pictures - it's a little hard to tell how gray the shingles are, since it was a gray day.

 And here are the shingles after being bleached!  (well not really bleached - tused an environmentally safe way)

 what a difference!  We weren't sure we liked it!  I mean, we did, but we didn't like the blue with the bleached shingles.  Of course, they had already painted the house, and we didn't want to pay another $6k for them to repaint it.  The overall effect is slowly growing on us.
 We had to put a stain on the shingles, so they won't age as quickly.  We chose a natural, rather than a color (like gray) because a color makes them look too painted and uniform.
 So, it's all set!  I'm so glad it's done.  The painters were here for 3 1/2 weeks.  I felt like I was living in a fish bowl - a worker at every window!

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