Monday, September 28, 2015

Woodstock Fair!!

I've been jonesing to visit a fair this summer!  And we found one to fit in our schedule.  It was perfect - because it also gave us the opportunity to visit some friends we haven't seen in a while!
 Hot hot day!  And a lot to see!  The bunnies of course were the first!
 some crazy chickens
 Moo! Our friend's cow :)  She was so sweet and docile.
 Me & Dianna!
 This sheep was getting a much needed shearing!  He didn't seem to happy about it, but I"m sure he felt much better after.
 Miss Piggy & her babies.  Not stinky at all :)
 There were a lot of buildings to wander through.
 And a lot of people to walk around, ha!
 Some baby chicks were hatching.
 Arts and crafts galore!  People are so talented!

 a lot of food vendors too - with all that yummy fair food!
 Arthur, Chris, Dianna
 checking out the motors
 Can't miss the midway!!
 oh those rides!  Made me wish to be a kid again, b/c I sure can't do that now!  Wow!

 Last but not least - the horses!  Those riders make it look so easy...
 I did bring home some kettle corn - delicious!!
 And we also visited our friend's home.  Recently built - a beautiful home in the woods!
 with a beautiful peaceful view.  It was so relaxing to sit on their deck and chat.  Such a nice afternoon!
 They even have some chickens of their own - maybe we'll see them at the fair next year!!

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