Thursday, August 31, 2017

Sailboat racing again!

We didn't think we would make another sailboat race this season, but Chris had a night off from work.

 It was a beautiful evening too

 We came in 4th out of 10 boats in our class.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Getting our house ready to be sold! (hopefully :))

Cleaning house, so the realtor's photographer can take photos.  Glad we're pretty much moved out!

 Although - it's all the big stuff left - we will be getting movers for this stuff!
 Bolts - thinking he is the center of attention!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

New home!

We bought a new house in Bristol, RI!
 Love that it's one level, and close to the bike path and water
Spent the first days - getting cable, internet, and most importantly - security set up!

 And a lot of time unloading the trailers - mostly full of garage stuff!!  Our furniture will arrive after we sell our other home, so we'll be 'camping' in our new home for a while
 Bolts likes the bushes
 and the sun room
 and the front door
 We did buy a new guest bed, so we aren't sleeping on the floor (whew!)
 We love that the bike path is 1 minute away from our new home.  No traffic - yeah!!  The only traffic sounds we hear are boat traffic - which we love!!
 So close to the water - so nice!
 1st grill  at the new home
 The cars love the new pad too - it's much bigger than our other garage - plus we have an additional garage in the basement, with it's own garage door!
 The only negative  - Bolts is not a fan of the new washer.   :-)

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Commodores Ball 2017

Attended the Commodores Ball last weekend - at our yacht club
 It was a beautiful evening for a party.  The existing commodore always puts on a big party as they are getting ready to leave their post (they hold it for 2 years).  Our current commodore - really put on a fantastic party - the best we've seen!

 Attire for men was Bermuda - so they could wear shorts, but needed a jacket and tie.  Most of the men also wore dress socks.  Chris and a few others did not.  We weren't fans of the dress socks with shorts.
 There were live statues around the venue. 
 The tent was huge!
 Nice place settings
 Good band and amazing view of the harbor

 Lovely view from the top deck
 A good time had by all!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Bonneville Salt Flats!

They made it!
 The salt was pretty rough, but it was smooth for the race track.

 They were on the salt - Thursday - Sunday
They leave the salt early in the evening, so they can power park at the Nugget
 and they get to the salt early, so they can power park there too!

Driving to the salt in the AM

 early morning and late day shots are the best

 One of the cars that went 400+.  Wow!  Chris was sad they weren't racing this year but it worked out, since he had to return early.  And there is always next year!!

Monday, August 14, 2017

More pictures from the Bonneville Trip

Chris was kind enough to take a bunch of photos for me, so I could continue his journey.
Here's a stop in Wyoming

 Dinner - the group is getting bigger.  Every day, another few cars join the pack west
 The UK's were given a special drink - an extra large margarita with a beer!  There were 5 (or more if they joined after I left) peeps from the UK or Australia.  A couple from Sweden joined in for just one night - but they weren't driving a hot rod
 Ahh, the beauty of the west coast - so different.

 Made it to Salt Lake City!
 Kirk's car had some engine trouble but Tom & Caden were able to fix it
 Nighty night - ready for the salt!
 Drivers meeting
 Chris in a rental car now, (as he had to come home earlier than planned for work) and his friend, Ray is driving the orange coupe.  We get better pictures that way!