Monday, August 14, 2017

More pictures from the Bonneville Trip

Chris was kind enough to take a bunch of photos for me, so I could continue his journey.
Here's a stop in Wyoming

 Dinner - the group is getting bigger.  Every day, another few cars join the pack west
 The UK's were given a special drink - an extra large margarita with a beer!  There were 5 (or more if they joined after I left) peeps from the UK or Australia.  A couple from Sweden joined in for just one night - but they weren't driving a hot rod
 Ahh, the beauty of the west coast - so different.

 Made it to Salt Lake City!
 Kirk's car had some engine trouble but Tom & Caden were able to fix it
 Nighty night - ready for the salt!
 Drivers meeting
 Chris in a rental car now, (as he had to come home earlier than planned for work) and his friend, Ray is driving the orange coupe.  We get better pictures that way!

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