Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Bonneville Trip - liftoff!

Meeting at the RB garage - at 5:30 in the morning - yawn!

 Heading out to the other side of town to pick up a few more cars.  So excited!
 Just down the road. This stop lasted a little longer, since one of the guys had already run out of gas and was stuck on the side of the road...

 Finally on the road by 7:00 - and this was our first rest stop.  All RB built cars starting the trip together.  Other RB cars and strays will be picked up along the way

 Got some more rain.  It was either raining (just showers) or the sun was shining.  Off and on all day long
 NY horse barn

 Mountain mist

 Fun on the road

 Pit stop

 Lunch stop in Erie, PA.  The local car club met us, and a few of these guys continued on with us


 Chris enjoying his drive

 Final pit stop for the day before the final stop of the evening

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