Monday, September 25, 2017

Another amazing hot rod adventure Days 1 & 2

We flew to Reno, NV where Chris had left the orange coupe.  And look who it was parked next to??  Old Faithful - our old Phaeton!  It was definitely in good hands :)
 The plan was to drive from Reno to Delta, UT and spend night #1.  Night #2 would be at our final destination of Central City, CO!
 We followed our friends Ray and Julie - all through the NV desert.  We did stop for lunch at a cute restaurant in Fallon, NV.
 We saw sunshine
 cute towns
 more sunshine
 more rain (in cute towns)
 and the sun setting
 It was a long first day in the orange coupe - but we all came through swimmingly!!
 Day 2 started off with some ominous clouds in our future

 And we did get some rain, but we also had some beautiful sunshine with beautiful views
 We don't get to see anything like this on the east coast!
 Our friends Ray & Julie went on, because they had to pick up a car in Denver.  So we stopped for breakfast and waited for our friends Troy & Donna to catch up.
 More beautiful views

 Then this happened - a big bump, and the fan went through their radiator.  We were close to our final destination, so Triple A brought them the rest of the way.
 Almost there -

 Made it!  To one of the coolest towns I've ever visited.  Vintage vintage vintage!  And we were here for the Hot Rod Hill Climb, put on by Nick's Hot Rod Garage.  And what an amazing event it turned out to be.  One of our favorites for sure!

 We had rooms at a local hotel, but our friends were staying at the KOA.  And what great views of Central City from that KOA.  Wow!  Takes you back 100 years...

 Troy's radiator - ouch!!
 Back to town for dinner and a much needed sleep!!

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