Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hot Rod Hill Climb

And onward to the event we've all been waiting for!!  The hot rod hill climb!!
Night before - drivers meeting
 And a yummy dinner with the Reno gang (aka Peckerheads :))
 Beautiful morning for a hill climb!  It was a little chilly at first, but the sunshine helped a lot!
 Our friend, Tommy, was the first to attempt the climb from our group.  He was smoking!
 Then it was Gabe's turn...
 We were in a different class - along with our friend Ray
 and Troy
 Ray backing onto the starting ramp...
 And he's off!  With Julie as his sidekick!
 Our turn - and what a blast it was!  I video taped the ride, but am not posting it here.  You'll have to see Chris to watch the video :)
 After the climb - heading back to town.  The climb only took a couple minutes, but had a few turns, and some squirrely bumps.  Fun!

 Lunch!  Signing the Peckerheads trophy.  They (Ray) made a trophy to give to their favorite participant (all the car clubs were asked to do the same).  The Peckerheads award was a chopped windshield frame, with an illustrated Peckerhead insert that they all signed.  They picked a 4 cylinder flathead, since it is similar to the car they raced in Bonneville (and got the world record in)
 Watching more hill climbers.  One car made 8 passes!  The Peckerheads only did a few passes each.  They still had to drive back to Reno, and didn't want to tear up their cars too much.
 Cindy & Tom on a pass!
Donna & Julie watching the fun!

 In line again

 The guys all jumped in Tommy's roadster and made a pass - good times!

 They were flying!
 Award ceremony (couldn't hear a thing!)
 Troy walked away with a trophy though! 
 So many cool buildings in Central City - I asked Chris to 'pose' in front of a couple :)

 Troy & Donna
 Important discussions :)

 Thanks to Julie for the photos of our run!

Great event!!!  Not sure we can make it every year - since it's so far away - but we will definitely be back!!

And then we had a ton of fun at the after party!  (actually there were very few people there, and the band was thrown together last minute, but that made it all the more fun!)

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