Friday, September 29, 2017

Peak to Peak ride

Sunday morning - another beautiful day for a cruise!  This time, it was Peak to Peak  - ending at a restaurant in Estes Park for brunch (and then we had to find our own way home).

A little smaller group, as it was Sunday, and everyone goes home on Sunday.  But we still had 20 cars - so perfect for a mountain cruise

 Love this photo - the shadow on the mountain made by the cloud - looks like a ... whale!!

I didn't take any photos of brunch (too busy eating :))  But we did see a beautiful church along the way.  Pope John Paul II prayed here.

It was just the 3 of us on the way back to Central City.  Ray & Julie had to head back to Reno early.  Gabe & Ciarra spent a relaxing day with Baby G.  And the other cruisers went their own way
We stopped at a couple 'antique' places on the way back

The guys always find something to check out - this time it was an old dump truck
Beautiful trees

Back at our hotel!  (it has an old train next to it - so cool!)
Then back to the campground for more Peckerhead fun

Good times & Good friends!
Back at the hotel...  Chris' alternator started acting up.  Fortunately, it wasn't too serious, so we would still be able to be on our way on Monday.

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