Monday, August 31, 2020

Taking care of business

Trimming trees ( I need to trim the rose bushes, but ouch, they bite!)

We bought a window shade for Big Blue.  It should help keep the inside cooler.  That windshield brings in a LOT of heat on sunny days!

Red coupe splashed some oil, so it was clean up time.  Those hot rods are always needing TLC.

Evening walks in the neighborhood are always enjoyable.  We have been seeing more skunks around though.  Too many!   They are daring little buggers - coming out while the sun is still pretty high in the sky.  I hope Bolts doesn't get into one.   Ugh. 

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Chris birthday!

We started the day off with a nice run, then headed to  breakfast!
On the way home, we stopped at a farm stand

Then we went sailing
It was breezy & we were tired from breakfast, so we just sailed with the head sail
A lot of sailboats out & about & not so many powerboats for a nice change

Our friend Blue Devil sailed past late in our sail, so I sent him a picture of his sailboat (below)

and he sent us a picture of ours (above)

We stopped at the beach bar for a cocktail (and met up with our Blue Devil friends)

Then we went out for an italian dinner!  Yum!


Saturday, August 29, 2020

What I see through my window - fire truck

 Our neighbor has a new medical transponder and he's accidentally hit it a couple times.  So the ambulance & fire truck arrive.  It's good to know that it works!  I just hope that he never really needs them.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Flash Back Friday - my nephew's first hair cut

 I've always loved this photo.  My mom helping my sister in law cut my nephew's hair.  Nick isn't fussing at all.  He's 'eating' a fake hot dog :)   Such a silly photo!

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Downtown strolling

We have been stuck in a rut and have been doing most of our walking in our neighborhood.  Covid is making us much more cautious for sure.  But we miss our downtown, so we took the plunge and went for a nice stroll.   They've added these pictures to the marina for a while (the pictures are 1000 times nicer than the marina :))

We haven't had much rain, so our grass is getting pretty brown.

Bristol has a lot of beautiful homes and buildings.  It's always a treat to walk around :)

They  have put up some sculptures around down town - a little more for us to look at and enjoy.

Our independence park is so brown.  This is where the 4th of July concert series is held.  It was cancelled this year.  But hopefully it will be bigger and better next year!
Bristol harbor is always a lovely treat to admire.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Bike, Kayak, Sail, Cruise kinda day

Early morning bike ride around Fogland Beach

Then we went for a kayak ride from our beach (this picture is taken after we got home)

Then it was onto sailing - mostly a wash, but then a short cruise.

And then it was hot rod time (and ice cream, yum!)

We missed the food truck event at Colt State Park, but we did a drive by :) (we had already eaten)

Love these summer days, even with Covid 19.  There aren't enough of them!