Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Levi turns 2!

 We went to Levi's 2nd birthday party.  It was a small gathering - a nice amount of family and friends.  And we all kept our distance when possible.

 They have a ton of toys in the backyard!  Almost all have been donated from friends.
 Grandpa and Levi swinging
 They have a couple small pools for the kids to cool off in - it was a pretty toasty day!
 Dallas and his pup, Abby
 Birthday cake time!  Levi didn't make a mess - he barely touched his little cake. He was only interested in the cars that were topping the main cake :)

 Time to open the presents!

 When the party was over, Chris drove all the cars to their parking spots :)
We spent the whole afternoon, just chatting and eating cake.  Good times!

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