Monday, August 3, 2020

A trip to the midwest

 We've searched for a long time and we finally found our new motorhome/RV.  Unfortunately it's in Indianapolis (at least it wasn't west of the Mississippi...)   So early one morning we headed west.

It took us 15 hours, so we had to stay in a hotel.  We wear masks and use hand sanitizer, and keep our distance so we felt pretty safe.  The hotel was doing more cleaning too -and it was pretty quiet.

    Bolts came along for the trip, despite him being a nervous Nelly.

 Chris was happy to see that the truck drivers carrying the new Corvette's also stayed in our hotel.  It was a fun bonus

 And then it was off to the dealer to meet our new RV!  Renegade Verona, aka Big Blue!  Chris worked with the dealer to go over all the intricacies.  He's had motor homes in the past, so he understood it more than I would.

 Blue wasn't our first choice - but it had everything else we wanted and the price was great.  It's a 2019 leftover, so we got a really good deal!

 We didn't really want to stay in Indiana, so we loaded up the Jeep and headed east.
 It took a bit to get used to the height.  We felt like we were on the front seat of a roller coaster!
 I could actually see the rivers that we passed over - we were higher than the bridge railings :)

 Getting fuel - we look just like a semi!  It will be great when we pull the race car around as we'll have so much power.

 We had a pretty big first day - stopping in Bristol TN!

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