Thursday, August 27, 2020

Downtown strolling

We have been stuck in a rut and have been doing most of our walking in our neighborhood.  Covid is making us much more cautious for sure.  But we miss our downtown, so we took the plunge and went for a nice stroll.   They've added these pictures to the marina for a while (the pictures are 1000 times nicer than the marina :))

We haven't had much rain, so our grass is getting pretty brown.

Bristol has a lot of beautiful homes and buildings.  It's always a treat to walk around :)

They  have put up some sculptures around down town - a little more for us to look at and enjoy.

Our independence park is so brown.  This is where the 4th of July concert series is held.  It was cancelled this year.  But hopefully it will be bigger and better next year!
Bristol harbor is always a lovely treat to admire.

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