Friday, October 30, 2020

FBF - my fun work friends

 Late 1990's - my fun boss and co - worker!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Colt State Park walks

Finally, the park is quiet!  Another place we like to walk, but have been avoiding it because it's been so busy.

A beautiful day for a walk too

The next time we came, we drove the rid pickup :)

and parked at the yacht club
It was nice taking a different route into the park

Same park!  There are so many different aspects to it - we love it!  And it's right down the road :)

We found this huge leaf!  Bolts wasn't very impressed

He wore it for one whole minute :)


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Porsche Poker Run

Not many hot rod shows, but Porsche club has something every weekend!
We met our friends Charlie & Gloria for the event. It was near Worcester, MA.    Lots of beautiful Fall foliage along the way
and cool buildings

They had 4 stops along the drive, where you would pull a card (best hand at the end wins)
The stops were very cool:  farm stands, a ski resort, an apple orchard...

The Ski resort - was packed with people hiking - not the place to be for me!

The orchard

and a farm stand
Lots of Porsches!  Because of Covid social distancing, we didn't really meet many, only a few

Last stop - airfield for lunch!

The drive home was just as nice
We stopped for ice cream