Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Porsche event - Norman Rockwell Museum

We met our friend's Charlie & Gloria for a Porsche event one Saturday.  They put on a lot of events - which is very nice!  And they aren't just 'car shows', they are events!  This was a drive for us - all the way to the west part of MA, the Berkshires.  So it was nice to follow some friends

Norman Rockwell museum.  I've always wanted to visit.

Beautiful grounds - this was his final workshop. 

It was built along a river
The museum was great - it had all his covers of The Saturday Evening Post, which were a lot!!

It also had many of  his original paintings

Poor Gloria had cracked her knee cap, so she motored around in a wheelchair as she had to keep her leg straight.  What a trooper!
I never knew he did 2 of these 'Runaway'.  One was a little more modern take (the one on the right)
Over 30 club members signed up for the event, but we didn't see many...  most had come and gone earlier
After the museum, we did a tour of Stockbridge, where Norman Rockwell lived

We had lunch at the Red Lion Inn, built in the late 1700's

 Beautiful day - and lots of driving!!

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