Thursday, October 15, 2020

CT car show!!

What do you know - they had an official car show, we actually heard about it in advance, and we went!  Perfect fall day for the show.  It was quite a drive - 2 1/2 hours!  We followed Dallas and friends

Quick stop for breakfast.  We drove our red coupe
Beautiful fall colors all along our route

There was quite a crowd at the show.
There was a swap meet
Our friends Billy & Bill - we social distanced from them.  Unfortunately couldn't give them a big hug! 

Our friends from FL met us!  They live in CT for half the year and FL for the remainder.  We'll be seeing them in FL soon!

There were a lot of good cars!   We didn't stay too long as we had a long drive home.

My friend Bill gave me this milk carrier.  He had it on his swap meet table, and I liked it, so he gave it to me.   Might be a good wine bottle holder!!


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