Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Learning a new skill

Our neighbors are members at a local FL shooting range, so they took us to check it out.

It was clay pigeons (or clay rabbits)
The orange are the clay 'animals' that you shoot
Jessie was a pro
I only shot the rifle a couple times - I didn't like it.  I think it's a good skill to have, so maybe I'll go back another day, but it's not my thing for sure
Chris did really good!

Robert was a pro too

The owner took us to quite a few spots  The clay pigeons/rabbits shoot out from different spots at each site

 It was definitely a different experience!

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Another trip to Brooksville!

Back for more good food and bike rides!   Heading to Brooksville is a nice getaway for Chris - away from the work phone calls and meetings.  There are great bike paths in northern FL

Bolts enjoys relaxing here too :)
There are beaches too, not as many as towns south of Tampa, but just as nice

And Liz makes the best dinners!  Chicken Parmesan this night, yum!

Good times!

Monday, March 29, 2021

Bolts Barn Hunt fun!!

We took Bolts to the east coast for an introduction to barn hunting.
An area is set up with a bunch of hay bales.  Each dog goes into this section alone.  This day was set up for Welsh Terriers only.  8 were registered, but only 4 arrived.  More time for Bolts to play!   His initial introduction to the ' barn', he is on leash.

The second time, he is allowed off leash, and asked to go through the tunnels

Lots to sniff!
This is Tiller taking his turn
Tiller again
The third turn, Bolts is introduced to the barn hunted animal, in this case, a rat.
He was very excited :)

Each puppy got their own turn, so Bolts had time to rest and relax.  Although once he got a sniff of the rat, there wasn't much relaxing :)
The next turn, the rat is placed in a tube (with air holes) and covered in hay  This is the actual hunt.  Bolts has to find it!  He did, but does need a little help - there are so many smells!
The trainer is giving him a good sniff :)
Rest time

The next turns, are similar, but the rat is moved around.  Every time, he would go to the place where the rat was placed the last time.  Or he would sniff the rats on the other side of the fence (there were a few), so that would distract him.   He had a ball though!

Some of the other WT's

His last turn, he had to find 2 rats!  Crazy, but the rats didn't mind at all - the dogs barking at them.  The trainer breeds them, so they are used to dogs.

He got a ribbon at the end of the day :)
The 4 Welsh terriers:  Bolts, Tiller, Kate, and Joy

He was still excited on the ride home
Since we were on the east coast, we took a short drive around
We found a beach that allowed dogs!  Wow, I didn't think they existed in FL (the only ones we've found are specific dog beaches and they are few and far between)

On the way home - a cute beach town
Some of the photos that the trainer sent us: ;)