Tuesday, June 8, 2021

BBWWT Day #24 and #25

Day #24, we woke up, and Chris had a bad case of vertigo.  Extremely dizzy and very nauseous.  After  a couple hours, we went to a walk in clinic, just down the road.  They didn't do much, but did give him some medicine, so the nausea went away.

Our harvest hosts were very gracious and let us stay another evening.  I went shopping and bought some more salsa's and candles as a thank you,  Then we just relaxed all day
Later in the day, Chris felt good enough to go for a walk

I went for a run after that

Day #25 - Chris woke up feeling much better.  We headed out once he felt ok to drive.  Columbus was the first city we drove through.  Traffic wasn't too bad fortunately

West Virginia!
No extra stops today - just get to our next destination

And we did!  Early enough, so I was able to do a workout while Chris relaxed.  Our host for the night was Appalachian Brewing Co in Mechanicsburg, PA

Great beer & Yummy Food!


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