Friday, March 17, 2023

kittens, cats, friends, parties, oh my!

Volunteering at Nate's Honor Rescue  - kittens, oh so fun!  They love to play, and they meow so when you have to put them away

then at Satchel's Last Resort, it's Adult Cat's.  They mostly sleep, ha ha.  And they have a full room of toys too.

Bunny - black & white was in an accident as a kitten.  Maybe a  dog bit her, but she doesn't have a tail, so has limited use of her bowels.  Sweetest thing though - sad she will never get adopted.  But she has plenty of human visitors and many other cats to hang out with.
Casanova is a siamese/showshoe mix.  He doesn't like other cats so he has to stay in his own kennel.  He really should learn to play with others - his quality of life would be so much bette!

Burger night with the gang - but only one of us got a hamburger :)

Wed & Thursday's, I play with the kittens (until they are adopted).  These were pretty shy, but have come a long way

Cookies baked for our villa party
another beautiful day in FL

still have to make time for my own puppy :)


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