Monday, March 6, 2023

San Diego - day 1 Coronado Island

room with  view
pretty resort
nice run along the beach - it's a cool week - only in the 50's

then a walk downtown Coronado for a coffee

it was quiet so early
we found a good coffee shop - Trident
then we continued to walk

back to the resort to get changed and ready for the day
walking through the hallowed halls - checking out the old pictures - so cool

beautiful room that has housed many famous people over the years - love the crown chandeliers

then we continued our walk along the harbor

and back to town for breakfast
then we left the island and took a drive - saw the huge navy ships
then we went to Point Loma
we went on a hike to see the beautiful cliffs

it was windy :)

views from the other side of Point Loma

downtown San Diego

the drive back - passed the military cemetary

then took a drive to Ocean Beach - the waves were huge!  Pier was closed for the day

eclectic street, it was a fun walk

then back to our beautiful hotel

sunset on the beach

and dinner at a casual Italian restaurant
finished the day with another walk :)


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