Monday, October 30, 2017

Some new toys!

Twix got a new toy - with catnip and feathers.  She has this stick (that used to have feathers) that she carries around and cries at the top of her lungs (usually at 2 am).  I'm trying to wean her away from that....
 Newly painted bedroom - new comforter.  It's a little lighter than I wanted, so will get frequent washings.   We did get tired of sleeping in the new guest bed (too small), so we wrestled our king bed home one night.  It was a struggle, but well worth it!
 Our kitchen island - we got the top!!  At first we weren't sure we liked it, but once it was in place, we love it!
 You just have to look Really close to see the copper veining.
 And we got a new TV! It's giant - especially for people who don't watch a lot - but it will work nicely in our large front room.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Fitness training

 I've been retired from accounting for 3 (wow! ) years!  So, I decided to try something new.  I'm not sure if I will apply for a job in the fitness industry, but I have learned a ton!  Chris and I know a lot about swim, bike, run training; running races; and triathlons, but not much about general resistance training.  What I love about NASM is that they focus on getting the/your body in alignment (work out the muscle imbalances).  Then they have a series of stages - Stabilization, Strength, & Power that they have you follow for best results.  Learning about my muscle imbalances has been great!  Now I know why I've had issues during some of my Ironman's. 

 So, I studied for four months, took the exam (passed), and just attended a live workshop which applied a lot of what I studied.  Our instructor has been a personal trainer since the late 90's & is now a leading expert in the field, so had a ton of information to share (and with great examples , so it's easy for me to pass along too).
 Not a bad way to spend  the day at all!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Block Island!

Finally, a nice fall weekend (both days), so we could do an overnight sail to Block Island!  60's and 70's - perfect weather!

 Our friends, Gwen & Scott joined us on this trip.  Bolts has to sit on everyone's lap...
 Gwen at the helm!
 Warm breezes, with some chop on the water so we made it to Block Island in good time

 Ahh, dinner!  Fortunately we found a restaurant that was open.  The island slows down after Columbus Day, so not much stays open.

 A beautiful morning!  Warm and sunny!

 Breakfast - found the one restaurant that was open, whew!
 a stroll around town - only a couple shops were open, but it was still nice to walk around

 Beach time for Bolts - he loves to run on the sand!

Heading back to the sailboat.  It's about a 1 mile walk to 'town'.  Perfect way to work up an appetite, and then work your food off!

 Heading out of the harbor.
 A nice south wind, so we put up the 'pretty' sail :)  The wind slowly picked up all day, which was Good since we started the morning with no wind.
 We stopped at NEB, where we will be storing the boat for the winter.  Our last hurrah was a good one!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Dog park!

We found a dog park for Bolts - yay!  It's in Portsmouth, so not too close, but not too far away either.  Word is that our town is working on getting one...
 It's fairly new, so it's nice & well maintained.  A nice gathering of dogs; mostly big and young. 

 We hope to come at least 2 x a week.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Another fall sailing day!

 A little chilly - but another beautiful fall day for sailing!  I wear a lot of layers, so I was pretty toasty warm.  Not a lot of wind helped too :)

 There wasn't a lot of boat traffic, but we did see this big guy!!  It even got Bolts attention.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Doing some house projects and enjoying the area

We haven't gone too crazy on our new home yet  - still want to enjoy the last few days of 'good' weather.  But Chris can't sit still long...
He covered my old kitchen island (from my San Fran apartment) in galvanized steel.  Looks great!  And is now my laundry room folding table (as well as Bolts dining room :)
 He is moving along with our kitchen island too - has the top molded - now we just have to have it powder coated in copper vein.  We originally wanted a copper top - but Chris couldn't find a piece of copper big enough...  So we are going with plan B.  Should be done soon!!  We have the wheels done too (just aren't in this photo)
 He's done some electrical work - mainly hanging ceiling fans.  This house had no overhead lighting in the bedrooms.  Drives me crazy, since my vision is poor.  So happy to now have 4 new ceiling fans.  Sorry, I didn't take any photos - guess they aren't that pretty :)  But they work nice!
 We are still taking time to enjoy the sunsets :)  Love being so close to the water!!

 View from dinner one night!
 And from breakfast the next morning!  So happy to see the water every day!  And we can bike everywhere now that we live on the bike path.  Yay!
 We've done a little painting too.  Just the master bedroom so far.  We might be doing some construction projects in the main rooms, so painting projects will have to wait elsewhere.
 Will be nice to have our furniture!  We accepted an offer on our MA house.  Hopefully they will get the loan and we will have sold another home!