Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Back in New England!

What have we been up to - a little of this and that.  Mostly relaxing and enjoying our new area:
BYC volunteer dinner!

 Enjoying time at the yacht club
 We've been spending as much time as possible on the sailboat

 And at the yacht club - View from the club deck.  Always so beautiful in early fall
 Sunday afternoons - nice to catch up with other members
 and play on the lawn
 Another sunny day - back on the sailboat!
 Bribing a young friend to go up the mast and help with some issues.  Fortunately, it was a calm day
 We've been enjoying our new home (as much as possible with our simple furniture).  But the 'kids' make it a little hard when they are on top of you!!
 More time at the yacht club - watching some BYC team racing - from the dock
 A friend took us out on his motorboat one day.  You don't get wake like this from our sailboat!

 We got to see Providence up close and personal  - from the water.  Too shallow for our sailboat.

 We are enjoying seeing the sunsets - just a few steps from our home!
 One night - we colored :) - trying to figure out how to add some curb appeal to our new home

 Back on the water and enjoying the warm fall days.  This day, we motored the sailboat up the bay/river to Warren & Barrington, since there was no wind.  Still a nice day on the water

Too soon, the warm days will be chilly and (oh heavens, snowy!!)

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