Monday, October 30, 2017

Some new toys!

Twix got a new toy - with catnip and feathers.  She has this stick (that used to have feathers) that she carries around and cries at the top of her lungs (usually at 2 am).  I'm trying to wean her away from that....
 Newly painted bedroom - new comforter.  It's a little lighter than I wanted, so will get frequent washings.   We did get tired of sleeping in the new guest bed (too small), so we wrestled our king bed home one night.  It was a struggle, but well worth it!
 Our kitchen island - we got the top!!  At first we weren't sure we liked it, but once it was in place, we love it!
 You just have to look Really close to see the copper veining.
 And we got a new TV! It's giant - especially for people who don't watch a lot - but it will work nicely in our large front room.

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