Thursday, October 26, 2017

Block Island!

Finally, a nice fall weekend (both days), so we could do an overnight sail to Block Island!  60's and 70's - perfect weather!

 Our friends, Gwen & Scott joined us on this trip.  Bolts has to sit on everyone's lap...
 Gwen at the helm!
 Warm breezes, with some chop on the water so we made it to Block Island in good time

 Ahh, dinner!  Fortunately we found a restaurant that was open.  The island slows down after Columbus Day, so not much stays open.

 A beautiful morning!  Warm and sunny!

 Breakfast - found the one restaurant that was open, whew!
 a stroll around town - only a couple shops were open, but it was still nice to walk around

 Beach time for Bolts - he loves to run on the sand!

Heading back to the sailboat.  It's about a 1 mile walk to 'town'.  Perfect way to work up an appetite, and then work your food off!

 Heading out of the harbor.
 A nice south wind, so we put up the 'pretty' sail :)  The wind slowly picked up all day, which was Good since we started the morning with no wind.
 We stopped at NEB, where we will be storing the boat for the winter.  Our last hurrah was a good one!!

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