Friday, October 20, 2017

Doing some house projects and enjoying the area

We haven't gone too crazy on our new home yet  - still want to enjoy the last few days of 'good' weather.  But Chris can't sit still long...
He covered my old kitchen island (from my San Fran apartment) in galvanized steel.  Looks great!  And is now my laundry room folding table (as well as Bolts dining room :)
 He is moving along with our kitchen island too - has the top molded - now we just have to have it powder coated in copper vein.  We originally wanted a copper top - but Chris couldn't find a piece of copper big enough...  So we are going with plan B.  Should be done soon!!  We have the wheels done too (just aren't in this photo)
 He's done some electrical work - mainly hanging ceiling fans.  This house had no overhead lighting in the bedrooms.  Drives me crazy, since my vision is poor.  So happy to now have 4 new ceiling fans.  Sorry, I didn't take any photos - guess they aren't that pretty :)  But they work nice!
 We are still taking time to enjoy the sunsets :)  Love being so close to the water!!

 View from dinner one night!
 And from breakfast the next morning!  So happy to see the water every day!  And we can bike everywhere now that we live on the bike path.  Yay!
 We've done a little painting too.  Just the master bedroom so far.  We might be doing some construction projects in the main rooms, so painting projects will have to wait elsewhere.
 Will be nice to have our furniture!  We accepted an offer on our MA house.  Hopefully they will get the loan and we will have sold another home!

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