Wednesday, October 24, 2018

BYC fire!

 The day after our final social event of the season, a fire burned a portion of our yacht club.  It actually started the evening before - someone's casually flicked cigarette started the mulch smoldering.  Fortunately, the fire didn't really start until the next day, otherwise the building would have been gone.

Earlier that day - Chris and I were at the yacht club and planning on moving our sailboat to its winter storage location.  A group had already been working on putting the 'small' fire out.  It appeared that the mulch was just smoldering.  The launch driver arrived early in the morning and had started hosing the area down and thought it was contained.
 It flared up around noon, so the fire department was called.  They didn't find much wrong; tested for heat, so BYC workers kept watering the mulch
 The fire trucks stayed around for a while - but then left as it appeared it was under control
 But, it wasn't.  An extremely windy day kept the fire smoldering and it eventually went up the walls (it had probably been burning in the walls for a while)
 Fortunately no one was hurt and only a corner of the yacht club was actually burned.  But the water damage from the fire trucks is immense.

 In this photo - you can see the foundation and the dark spots of water.  They basically filled the entire house up with water, and it leaked out everywhere
 The inside is not pretty:  dining room
 The corner where the fire started
 Fortunately we have a full community of members with amazing skill sets who have already started banding together to get the house fixed.  We are also lucky that this happened at the end of the season and not the beginning.
 The kitchen
 The bar
The beautiful harbor still looks amazing though!  And the house will get rebuilt and be even better than before.

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