Friday, October 26, 2018

Warren Walkabout

Warren, RI's businesses opened their doors on Sunday to towns people and visitors.
They provided transportation (trolley) :)
 Warren has a lot of art studios, and these were open to the public (normally they are not).  It was very cool to meet the different artists and see the mediums they use.  There were painters, sculptors, stained glass artists, photographers...

 A lot of these studios are along the water front, so they have beautiful views
 Restaurants were open, and some were serving simple food like hot dogs and cider outside
 Antique stores
 Boat builders
 More art studios
 Fresh pasta store (we bought some ravioli :))

 We stopped in a smoothie bar to grab a drink and we looked at the local map - for such a small town there is a lot to see!
 Live music on some of the streets too.  It was a Fall party! (and it felt like fall too, brrr)

 We don't often take the time to check out these businesses, so we were happy to have a chance to visit!  We usually just visit the coffee shops and restaurants, but there are some really quaint stores in town.  Glad we made the trip!  (ok, it's only 1 1/2 miles from our house :))

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