Friday, October 12, 2018

Half marathon

Fall is running season!  So I signed us up for a half marathon in Newport, RI.  We weren't trained, so it wasn't pretty, but we got it done!
We had to get to the start early as we had to pick up our race packets and take a shuttle bus to the start.  So we relaxed in the warm truck for a while
 We finished!  It was at a marathon race pace, as we didn't want to hurt ourselves too badly :)

Now hopefully that will jump start our fall training!  I see another half in our near future...

We were still pretty beat up from it, so we didn't do much the rest of the day.  But we did have a yummy lunch and take Bolts for a good long walk
 The path to the beach

 Never get tired of the water views!
 It's hard to tell in this pictures - but many more leaves are turning from green to orange!  It's that time of year!

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