Monday, September 16, 2019

Polo & Bristol Fest

 Newport Polo is so popular - they are expanding!  And fortunately for us, it's expanding to Bristol :)  It's mostly just practice games - through September - but it was still fun to watch.
 They are hoping to gain attention now and start strong next Spring.  The organizer lives around the corner from where they are playing (Mt Hope Farm).  He offers polo lessons if anyone is interested!  Not for me - I can barely ride a horse at a trot :)  The matches are from 11 is to 1is on Saturday's
 There is also a farmers market going on at the same time - which will hopefully bring more spectators

 We drove the red pickup - old faithful
 It is festival time - and they were also having a festival in downtown Bristol.

 It was a beautiful day - for pretty much anything!

 And some artists displayed their paintings, etc along Hope St.  A great day to be out and about!

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