Thursday, September 19, 2019

Porch Fest!

 Bristol Porch fest - another success!  This year they closed the street, had more porches (9!) and more bands (18!).  A nice mix of music and a beautiful sunny summer day (in the 80's!)

 Chris & I walked up and down the street numerous times. The houses with music were far enough apart so the music didn't compete, but not too far for walking.
 We ran into a bunch of friends - mostly from the yacht club

 This house wasn't on the schedule last year - and it's a beautiful home, so it was nice to see it up close.

 Someone drove their Citreon
 The music was from 3 to 6 pm, then we headed to a friend's porch for food & drink

 They are on the water, so they get to see lovely sunset's

 A lovely way to end the weekend

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