Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The last of Wed night racing!

 A couple weeks ago - we had a beautiful evening for sailboat racing.  Good wind and flat seas.
 And warm :)

 It was close racing for most of our group
 See below - there is a kayak-er going right in front of some racers!  I don't think he was expecting the sailboats to round the mark and come back, oops. 

 We managed to pull away from some of the group.
 Music at the Blithewald mansion - a good crowd.  We could hear the music too.

 Beautiful sunset - we managed 2nd place for the night!
 Then we had a couple rain outs, and then finally our last evening race.  It also looked like it could be cancelled due to Tstorms in the area.  But they stayed away and we raced!

 Pretty big wind for an evening, and we had a good crowd of racers
 We screwed up the start, so were a little behind the gang - but still in the mix
 Always love seeing the spinnaker boats
 Some good wind - and boat speed
 Working hard
 The skies looked threatening for most of the race

 Another pretty sunset - and fortunately we didn't get wet!
 Beautiful evening for the last night race of the season.  We still have a couple weekend races that we may compete in.

 Great crew!  Our friend Gwen joined us for the night too!  We finished 4th for the night & 4th for the season.  Not too bad considering we missed a lot of races due to travels.    It was a great season  - lots of beautiful evenings and some crazy ones too.  Until next year!

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