Friday, September 13, 2019

Trip to TN!

 Getting ready for a road trip - I'm excited, Bolts not so much :)
 We headed to my sister's in TN to pick up some antiques that I got from my mom.  We had put them in storage until we had time to rescue them.  It's been a busy summer - they've been in storage since Memorial Day!  We finally had a rainy weekend, thanks to Dorian, so we headed west.
 Lots of stuff - hope it all fits in the truck - would prefer not to get a trailer...

 It did - and still had room for me & Chris & Bolts!
 Then we relaxed on my sister's porch - tried to do a selfie with all  - but it didn't quite work :)
 My sister's beautiful kitchen!
 and her new little buzz box
 A nice sunset from their back porch
 Then we were up early (4:30) and on the road again.  The sunrise looked a lot like the sunset from the previous night!

 Everything traveled well
 And then we were home and putting things away.  We still may rearrange later, but for now the kitchen cabinet is in the sun room
 The cobblers bench is in the living room
 The tea cart - will be replacing the black trunk in the living room and will be used as an end table
 The wash stand is in the bathroom
 Putting some dishes in the old kitchen cabinet
 and lining up my lamps!
 We put some big Aladdin lamps on the tops of our kitchen cabinets
 and some toys (stove & refrigerator) on the other cabinets.  Looks a little bare though..  we'll keep at it
 The kids were bored and tired :)  Stressful for them - they get anxious when we move furniture, crazy!

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