Thursday, September 12, 2019

This and that

 Bolts & I try to get to the dog park on Tues & Thurs.  Last week, he met a cousin  - an Irish Terrier - he's never met one of those before - cute!
 The nights are getting a little cooler (hopefully will kill those mosquitos!)  But the tiki bar at the yacht club is still open on some nights.

 We've had some great sunsets this year.  On our way to dinner to meet some friends
 a fun new tavern in town - not the best menu, but not the worst either.  Chris is pretty disappointed in their fish tacos though.  Too bad - it's one of his favorite things to eat.
 Bolts new crazy - biting the sprinkers!!
 We trimmed our bushes, but they didn't like it  - so now they mope.  Oh well, they will soon be cut all the way down because winter is coming!
 Bolts is a crazy kid!  Chris and I try to take walks every day.  Many times it is downtown, and many times it is just through our neighborhood.
 Nice view of the harbor from the top of our street
 One evening last week, we headed to the sailboat to dry some sails.  It was a nice still evening - and a good evening for just chillin' on the boat
 A cool 'old looking' power boat cruised by

 Bolts - at home - and stalking the cat.  She loves it and he loves it.
 We bought a rowing machine!  Trying new things since our bodies are starting to protest all the running and biking...
 It's so long though - takes up the whole room. Fortunately it can be folded up to half it's size which helps.

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