Thursday, October 31, 2019

De Commissioning

The last event of the season - closing of the club (or tent as it was this year).  A nice crowd on hand to stay good bye to 2019

 Our tent and tiki bar served us well!
 The staff wrote a note saying 'See you next year!"

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Gathering of the Faithful

 Our last cruise and car show of the season!  Fall colors are still pretty spectacular, but definitely less colorful than the previous weekend.  We drove our 1931 chopped and channeled pickup - on a pretty chilly morning!
 Stopped for breakfast with Chris' brother & friends
 Then we headed to the show.  Still chilly, but the sun was warming the day up quickly.

 A good turnout for the show.  The swap meet section was very full

 We saw a lot of friends we hadn't seen all summer (since we didn't make it to any of our old cruise nights)

 Our old '34.  Looks like crap - the new owner doesn't want to clean it, hmmm. At least the interior is still pretty clean.
 Our ride - it was a little cramped with Bolts, but we managed.

 There were some other cool rat rods there too.

 We didn't stay for the give aways this year.  They have so much stuff and it takes forever for them to raffle it all off.  We left Chris' brother at the show and took the long way home :)

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


 Instead of just meeting for lunch, my old co-workers met for dinner!  Yummy fall sangria and snacks - then even yummier pizza!   My friend's son showed off his Halloween costume - such a cool idea!
 Good friends - lots of laughs :)

Monday, October 28, 2019

Time to cover our sailboat for the season

 Aeolus was hauled!!

 The bottom didn't look too good, but it didn't look too bad either

 Nice view from the cabin top!

 Time to put the cover on.  This may be it's last year, as it's getting pretty thin

 All buttoned up!

And the final sailboat job for 2019 - washing the sails!  Bolts likes to help

And Chris still had time to cut up the tree that fell!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Gusty winds!

 We knew it was going to be windy - but holy smokes!  This poor tree didn't fair too well.  Our trailer has some dents, but seems to be ok for now (we still need to check the roof)
 Bolts - nervous nelly with all the wind (eye roll)

 I took him to the dog park a little later - and he seemed to relax and enjoyed playing with his friends

 The dog park also had some tree damage :(  Crazy wind!  And it wasn't even a 'noreaster!