Monday, October 14, 2019

Ugh - water heater - Busted!

 Sunday Funday!  Not!!  While Chris & I were running, we debated about going to another car event at the Concours or maybe going for an afternoon sail...  Then I tried to take a shower - Hmm, no hot water.  That's because it was all over the basement floor!!  Sigh.  Good thing we didn't have specific plans because we weren't going anywhere.
 3 hours later, the water was swept out the garage door.  And a few hours after that - it was nice & dry.  Lucky for us, nothing was ruined!
 This old girl lasted 10 years - almost to the day.  It was installed on 10/2/09.  It died on 10/6/19

 Fortunately, we got a new one the next day - so laundry and dishwashing could go as scheduled. 

1 comment:

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