Monday, October 21, 2019

Last days of sailing...

 A sunny day but with light winds - can't be too picky on the last days of the sailing season!  It has been gusting 20 to 30, so a light wind day was fine.

 We practically had the bay to ourselves.

 It was a little chilly - but not too bad since the wind was light.
 Bolts was enjoying a lazy sail

 The leaves aren't changing as much closer to the coast since the water keeps the temperatures a little milder. Most are still pretty green.

 Back in Bristol, we went to the dock to unload all the boat stuff - cushions, etc
 Bolts amused himself by watching the waves slap against the boat and dock.
 We treated ourselves to Sonic - and ice cream later that night!  There isn't a dairy queen near by - so we tried Sonic and were pretty happy with their selections.  Yum!

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