Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fallout car show

 What a beautiful day for a cruise!  It was a little drizzly in the morning, and stayed cloudy.  But the tree colors were fabulous!  My photos don't show the beauty - but it truly was an explosion of color - every where you looked!

 The show was in Glastonbury, CT -around 90 miles from our house.  We followed Chris' brother and his friends.  We drove our orange coupe - first show we've taken it to this year!

 The car show was packed with participants and spectators.
 The swap meet section was small, but still good.  Chris bought a taillight
 Bolts chilled in our friend Katie's chair ;)
 We saw a lot of friends - Jim
 Billy O
 and we saw some pretty cool hot rods.

 Our friends - Doug's '37 and Jon's is behind it

 We also saw Re & David and Roger & Michelle

 Our friend PC's car
 Our friends - Roger & David/s cars
 Our gang - Dallas, Wolfie, and DP
 Our coupe

 Bolts - bored & ready to go home
 The car show is on some beautiful grounds

 Bolrs likes jumping in cars - this is Dallas' fortunately
 and ours
 We did eventually leave :)
 and the drive home was just as spectacular!

 We stopped for dinner - at a pizza and pasta place
 Bolts stayed in Wolfie's car because he had windows so he couldn't jump out!!
 A beautiful garden center on our way home.   :)

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