Friday, September 18, 2020

Flash back Friday - dress up!

 For a few of my summers, I would visit my 2nd cousins in southern Illinois.  It was a trip I would take with my Grandpa (my dad's dad).  It was a fun trip, it was just the two of us.  I can't remember how long it took to drive - a few hours at least.  Then we would spend a few days visiting his sister and her children.  I enjoyed going from house to house and meeting all my 2nd cousins.  But my favorite place to visit was Joann & Bill's because they had a daughter Laura that I loved loved loved to play with!  I could never wait to visit their house and I'm sure I drove my Grandpa crazy with asking when will we visit Laura :)  It's funny we were both horse crazy.  She now lives on a ranch and rides every day.  I can't remember how old I was in this photo - junior high maybe.  Laura had 2 older brothers, 1 younger brother and 2 younger sisters.  Big family!  Her baby sister was always sleeping, and whenever we would play in the house, the famous words from Joann were:  Be quite the baby is sleeping. :) 

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