Thursday, September 17, 2020

Walking the town!

We've been breaking out of our neighborhood and walking the town more often these days.  We've had some beautiful sunsets lately!  I know that when we look back on 2020 - the main thing we did - was go for walks.  We are still taking walks every morning and evening.

This night we saw the sailboat racers.  We miss being out there, and we will be - next summer.!

We never get tired of looking at boats in harbors, especially our harbor

This morning walk - Bolts found something interesting along the boardwalk
It was a swan!
He also wanted to pee on this beautiful flowering bush!
Fishermen were getting ready for the day
This morning walk (a different day than above), the wind was already howling out of the north
We stopped for breakfast.
And somewhere along the walk route (we retraced our steps), we lost the keys to the 1941 pickup.  Fortunately it's an oldie, so Chris is able to hot wire it :)  And we made it home - yay!
Another evening walk with crazy clouds

Bolts really wanted to stop in this restaurant and have dinner :)  We didn't let him.

Here's another evening of beautiful skies and lights

Two ducks hanging on the boat ramp

We put Bolts in his Thunder jacket for this morning's walk :)  He seemed ok with it on - time will tell

We have lots of old homes in Bristol - most of those in the historical district have plaques telling their story

Our red pickup has had it's wheels driven off this summer!
Bolts excited to get back in the truck for another adventure

We never get tired of this walk - but maybe we'll start walking Warren too...


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