Tuesday, September 8, 2020

SS Camping trip Day #2

Our friend Peter stopped by to say Hi.  They were heading to Bristol, so we weren't going to see them during our stay.  Missed the timing on that one!
He gave us some great places to bike and swim, so we headed out for a bike ride.
Up state  NY is so beautiful

So this battlefield park has an 11 mile loop that is perfect for biking or running.  It is open to cars, but the speed limit is 25 and the cars actually adhere to it.  (and the cars are very few and far between)
the 11 miles are beautiful rolling hills in the sunshine and in the shade
There are numerous stops along the way describing the battle that took place between the Americans and the British in 1777

After the bike ride, we headed back to the campground - enjoying the Saratoga country side

We made smore's after dinner!  Yum!


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