Monday, September 14, 2020

Sailboat racing!

1st race (and probably only) in 2020!  It was a good one though, so well worth the wait!
Very light air at the start of the race, so it was delayed 90 minutes!  Yikes!  And it was a pursuit style race, so the slow boats started first.  We were somewhere in the middle, so we had quite the wait.
It was fun to watch all the boats milling around.  It was a smaller fleet than usual - like all things in 2020.
Finally, we were off!
The wind (once it showed up) was perfect:  10-15 knots, so not crazy or gusty

We weren't flying spinaker as we had an intentional small crew.  But we sure saw them coming!

All in all, we didn't have too many boats pass us

Weatherly (America's Cup) came up on us pretty quickly  - it was cool to watch

And then it was on to the finish line!

This cat came screaming by us - amazingly fast

We finished 2nd in our class!  And then we watched the rest finish - there were some tight passes!
And then the T storms came.
We made it back to the mooring just in time!  And then we had to wait it out for about 30 minutes.  Big thunder and lightening
Then it was smooth seas and peace

A beautiful Rainbow made an appearance at the yacht club.

 Full day - so glad we were out there.  One of the funnest races we've raced.

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