Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Sailing sailing sailing

Trying to make the most of the end of summer!  There's been some decent wind, so sometimes, we just put out the jib and keep it simple

This day, our friend Bob went flying past us
We met him and his wife for drinks at the BYC tiki bar.  Nice of them to wait for us :)

Then dinner at Leo's - one of Chris' favorite summer time restaurants
I sent Bob a picture of his boat and he returned the same favor :)
This day was pretty quiet - so we went to Potter's cove and chatted with our friend Peter, who had just done a long swim

More friends coming to Potters Cove to enjoy the afternoon
Another windy afternoon sail (different day)
Lots of boats enjoying the wind

 This day - we tied up to the dock, so Chris could work on a few things
Then we went for an easy sail

This day - it was perfect wind, so we spent the whole day on the water

Another beautiful day with lots of others sailing too (this was a group of racers)

Lots of fun on the water lately.   We will miss sailing our boat, but it won't be the last of our sailing days.

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