Friday, July 30, 2021

Chris's mom & husband in town!

Chris' Mom and her husband drove up to RI in their hot rod - a 1934 Dodge coupe.   They arrived safely, but the transmission started having some issues while they were in town.  Nothing a little elbow grease couldn't fix - it just took a few days to get it to the Transmission guy, get parts, etc.  Glad we had the garage space for them!

They had a lot of plans to visit family and friends while they were in town, but we were able to spend some time with them too.  Dinner at SS Dion
a morning drive to the coffee shop
Bolts snuggling with Grandma on this rainy day (he is not a fan of riding in the rain)
a visit to Dallas' shop where he was busy working

Bolts loves exploring the shop
car talk...

Grandson talk...
Liz and I got a nice walk in on the bike path.  We came across the animal control officer who was looking for a sick raccoon. Bolts would have loved to help her look, ha ha

The naughty transmissioin

Bolts loves snuggling with Grandma
Liz & Tony got us some beautiful flowers, for letting them stay :)
Bolts loves snuggling with Tony too!
In between their family & friend visits, they worked on the Dodge
Bean was happy to snuggle too.  She's become quite the friendly little thing
Our last morning - breakfast in Little Compton!  (Tony's family used to lease the land behind this restaurant for their milking cows).  Great visit!


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