Saturday, July 10, 2021

Errands, etc

Ace is the place!  We're usually there every week.  Chris goes in, and me & Bolts wait :)   Bolts finally got groomed!!  FL couldn't handle him, but our Joe at Designer Dogs has just the right touch!  He doesn't muzzle him, and gets him trimmed so well!  I can't believe it because Bolts is a nightmare to groom - bites and growls.  He's a true Terror!
Chris is getting the race car wrapped.  He's not sure of the color - in some lights it looks a little purple (yuck).  But I think it will be just fine
Dentist time!  They give us little take home packets now.   Like an apology for wrecking your mouth, ha ha!  I don't mind the dentist, but since I'm not in town very much, I don't get there as often...  I think I might need to find a second dentist in FL, so there isn't as much time between my cleanings.
Love to mow the lawn!  Ok, not always, but most days I don't mind at all.  It's always good to be outside and moving :)


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