Thursday, January 27, 2022

Raleigh day #2

cold - 30's!  My view out of my guest bedroom window :)      Burrito Shak corporate had given tickets for the NC hurricanes hockey team.  They had extra tickets, so we all went :)

practice- it's chilly inside too
it was Nascar day
so a few Nascar drivers were highlighted, like Ryan Blaney
and the stadium projected some cars racing around a track on the ic

The 'Canes won 4 to 1, beating Vancouver.  It was fast moving and fun to watch

especially since we had box seats :)

and they fed us too - yum!

The game was early (1-3), so we took a drive through some local towns

and later we went out to dinner at a local brewery

My friend & family are taking care some other friend's pets, so we went along to see the beautiful pups.  The pups are staying in their own home, and do very well. 


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