Saturday, January 29, 2022

Visting my cousins

My cousins are still lucky enough to own 20 acres in Nokomis - just south of Sarasota.  They rent some of it - a new renter is just using this pasture for his horses - he's not even using the house. 
Chris needed to send off his fire extinguisher for the race car, so we took it to my cousins to set off, since they have plenty of room.  And they are trained fire fighters, so that's always helpful.
They work on fire trucks - and always seem to have one needing some help

They were doing a major motor overhaul -yikes!!
It's always fun to see my cousins & hear their stories (they currently have a baby alligator living on their property that they keep catching it and removing it, but it keeps coming back....).   I also was lucky to have my cousins' girlfriend visiting at the same time - she's an RN and going back to school to get her PHD - so she had some cool stories too :)

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