Friday, January 28, 2022

Raleigh Day #3

Brrr - another cold day - and this one included freezing rain!
the view out their back - they have baseball fields in the backyard (way back), and love it.
their screened in back porch
cute plaque about friendship
lazy morning, since the roads were slick - we stayed home and played salon :)
yep, icicles on the cars
we did go out in the afternoon.  The roads were just wet, even through there was still some ice on the trees and grass

we went to visit Amy's son & fiance & their 2 golden doodles

They have recently moved into their new home, so they have a lot of planning & decorating to do
It's a beautiful home in a lovely neighborhood..
and then we went to one of Hayley's nutrition stores to get a yummy shake

later that night, we looked through some old photo albums of college days.  Boy have we changed!

Amy's 2 kitties - always hanging around :)
Day #4, we relaxed & went to the airport around noon.  My flight was a little delayed, but not too bad.  We all got home safely

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