Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Raleigh trip with college girlfriends - day 1

I took a trip to Raleigh NC to meet up with my college girlfriend's.    I arrived first, and my friend Amy the one college girlfriend who lives in the area, took me on a little drive to see where her son is getting married.  Beautiful venue - hope the trees have leaves by April!      Then my friend Chris arrived, and we went out for an early dinner

My girlfriend & her family opened a Burrito Shak, and are loving it.  They help out behind the counter every once in a while, but mostly just concentrate on hiring employees, stocking food...
our one friend, Diane, couldn't make the trip as she had other plans
hanging at Amy's
we face timed with Diane, which was fun.

 We were up late - 11-12 ish - rare for me.  Lots to catch up on!  Wedding chat (both Amy & Chris' kids are getting married in 2022 & 2023), jobs, vacations taken...  all fun stuff!

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